

taken from http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4013/4249452172_b8c95c6898_z.jpg


  1. swollen feet;
  2. swollen fingers and wrist (cant even put on my wedding ring and watch);
  3. swollen nose (kata orang idung bangor hicks)
  4. severe back pain;
  5. many sleepless night;
  6. the urge to pee every 5 minutes;
  7. constipation;
  8. very limited unstylish wardrobe due to the blow up belly;
  9. inevitable urge to chew every second (humongous appetite);
  10. uninvited to Friday late night social life (gara-gara temen-temen gue takut gue brojol sewaktu-waktu *cissss*);
  11. easily exhausted, even talking in a discussion is a hard work;
  12. trouble of getting up after lying down position (berasa kura-kura yang dibalik trus ga bisa ngapa-ngapain);
  13. sale is everywhere but none of the shirt or dress fits me. its either too big for my body or stuck at the belly;
  14. the only thing that fits is my one and only crocs or sandal jepit *sungguh tak gaya*, thanks to my swollen feet

Its beyond any uncomfortable feeling, indeed. But every trouble and pain is worth every second since Lil B is coming anytime soon.

Cant wait….

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