
The Getaway Trip (2009 Edition)

Pre-wed pic made by ourself ^.^

Last July, me and Mr.D were off to Yogya for our annual getaway from the office trip.
Tadinya seh kita mau ke Belitung, melakukan perjalanan napak tilas Laskar Pelangi. Cuma dasar kita cupu, terlalu percaya dengan gosip yang disebar by email. Emailnya kurang lebih bilang kalau sekitar bulan Juli dan Agustus hindarilah daerah pantai karena akan ada gempa dan tsunami kecil. Batal sudah rencana berlari-lari diantara bebatuan di pantai Belitung sambil nyanyi seroja ala Laskar Pelangi ^.^

Kita berangkat tanggal 20 July 2009, naik Air Asia pastinya. Delay aja lhooo....Jadwal yang mestinya jam 5an baru berangkat jam 6-7 malam gitu. Tapi lumayanlah dapat Hoka Hoka Bento dan seminggu kemudian dikirimin voucher Air Asia Rp500,000 masing-masing hehe.

Sampai di Bandara Adi Sutjipto kita beli voucher taksi seharga Rp45,000 untuk Ring 1 dalam kota. Tujuannya adalah Condong Catur, dimana kita akan menginap di suatu boutique hotel berjudul Roemah Jawa. Hotelnya seru seh, murah meriah pula. Dekat dari airport tapi tentunya tidak dekat dari pusat keramaian.

Dengan berbekal semangat 45, jam 4 pagi kita udah bangun dan bersiap-siap untuk melihat sunrise di Candi Prambanan. Nah ceritanya sebelum berangkat udah browsing sunrise di candi. Untuk Candi Borobudur harus bayar paket seharga kurang lebih Rp200,000/orang, mahal dooonnnggg??? Nah ada seorang teman backpacker dalam blognya menulis kalau dia sunrise di Candi Prambanan, GRATIS. Jadilah kita kesana di pagi buta.
Sampai disana, ternyata semua akses untuk ke Candi Prambanan ditutup dan baru buka di jam resmi untuk pengunjung, yaitu jam 7 pagi huhuhuhu...info dari si temen backpacker sungguh menyesatkan. Jadilah kita menikmati sunrise dari pinggir jalan, seputaran komplek Candi Prambanan...sedihnyaaa

Pulang dari Candi Prambanan kita main-main di Hutan Kaliurang. Ketemu banyak monyet dan saudara-saudaranya. Emang dasar orang kota yah, pas kita naik tangga menuju si puncak hutan Kaliurang buat ngeliat gardu pandang, gada setengah jalan udah ngos-ngosan kehabisan nafas. Either kita udah tua atau memang kurang olahraga hicks...kalah sama si ibu2 tukang jualan minum yang naik tangga sambil bawa keranjang jualan.

Dari Kaliurang kita kelaparan setengah mati. Akhirnya memutuskan untuk makan di Amanjiwo. Tadinya planning candle light dinner disitu besoknya, sayang mendadak aku dapat panggilan tugas untuk sidang di Balikpapan (Yup, im on my annual leave and I still had to attend this court session on another island). Amanjiwo keren bangeeetttt...makanannya enak (yah sesuai seh sama harganya). Abis makan kita sempet diajak keliling liat2 ke kamar dan komplek Amanjiwonya, baguuuusssss...so puuurrrfect for honeymoon. Kita sampai mimpi mau honeymoon disitu hehehe (benar-benar mimpi soalnya semalamnya dikenai US400 blehhh).

Kita ga bisa lama-lama di Amanjiwo soalnya Candi Borobudur tutup jam 5 sore. Kan sayang kita udah ke daerah situ tapi nggak sempet ke Candi Borobudur. Timingnya pas banget deh, waktu kita kesana udah jam 4 kurang dan mataharinya udah friendly trus angin juga bertiup sepoi-sepoi, jadi kalau mau foto-foto ga BT kepanasan dengan kilau minyak di muka ^.^

Setelah puas foto-foto, kita makan malam di daerah Kota Gede namanya Omah Dhuwur. Sekilas info, restoran ini tempatnya enak banget, outdoor gitu (agak bikin masuk angin seh) dan makanannya juga enak dan banyak trus muraaahhhh (ini yang penting ;p).
Pulang dari makan malam kita mampir ke Ambarukmo Plaza buat nyari kostum sidang besoknya. Yah secara yaaa lagi liburan, yang ada di tas isinya celana pendek sama kaos dan sendal. Mana ada tu yang namanya baju kantoran apalagi sepatu hak hicks...Untung bisa direimburse hehehe...lumayanlah dapat baju kantoran satu set dan sepatu baru gratis ^.^

Pagi harinya tidak menarik, hanya perjalanan ke Balikpapan buat sidang lalu siangnya kembali lagi ke Yogya.

Begitu sampai Yogya, langsung menodong Didi untuk ke Malioboro. Di Malioboro kita belanja batik buat keluarga di rumah dan dari situ kita naik BECAK....iyaaaaa akhirnya aku naik becakkkk. Trus kita keliling ke keraton, alun-alun dan sekitarnya. trus makan di sate apaa gituuu, lupa namanya. Pokoknya tempatnya di alun-alun selatan deh.

Dengan malas dan berat hati kita pulang ke Jakarta, tentunya dengan Air Asia. Untungnya kali ini nggak delay. Males juga yah nyampe malam-malam di Airport. Huhuhu...I wish we had more days to spend, or maybe weeks..or...months??? ;p ;p

Cant wait for our next annual getaway in 2010, and at that time we can finally be room mates ^.^


From A to Z...The Checklist!!!

Every other married-to-be-couple that we know have their very own wedding checklist.

So we proudly present: ours, tadaaaaaaa....

Akad : Masjid Al Bina Senayan (booked)
Resepsi: Aula Masjid Al Bina Senayan (bookeed)

Pelaminan dan Dekor
Pelaminan : Cut Marlyn Wood (booked and its free ^.~)
Dekor (still a homework to be accomplished next month)

Wedding Costume and Make Up
Akad : Mr. D (done) and me (penjahit + model done, tapi masih harus hunting bahan, semangaatttt!!!!)
Resepsi : Cut Marlyn Wood (done for me and Mr.D, dan lagi-lagi IT'S FREE!!! hehehe)
Make Up : Tante Aseng dan Tante Nani

Masih diantara dua pilihan, Resti atau Alfabet. Any idea???

Design : specially designed by a sweet friend of ours
Percetakan : masih harus menunggu design undangan
Daftar : whuaaaa...ini apa lagiiiiiiii, tar aja dehhhh...

we know what we want! tapi jadwal hunting ke Pasar Mester dan Mangga Dua sepertinya
harus menunggu bulan puasa berakhir...

Wedding Day : Ligthbrush Photography (BOOKED with a very good deal!!!)
Pre-Wedding : We are not really a fan for this, but since a dear friend of ours would do it FOR FREE..well, why not??? ^.^

Seragam Keluarga dan Tata Rias
Akad : Hunting bahan setelah puasa
Resepsi : Beskap Laki-laki by Cut Marlyn Wood (lagi-lagi for FREE!!!)
Wanita by Pasar Mayestik
Bestfriend : Definitely by Pasar Mayestik hehehe
Tata Rias : masih mencariiii....

Cincin Kawin
Tempat beli : Kaliem
Jenis : Emas putih for me and Palladium for Mr.D
Kita belum beli karena sedang mengawasi perkembangan harga emas...tapi kata Didi nanti2 aja, soalnya dia takut nyimpennya hihihi

Tadinya hanya berupa pundi-pundi emas dan seperangkat alat shalat.
One day, my friend that I could ask ANYTHING for the mahar...*matre mode on*
Lalu mulailah saya menjadi calon pengantin tak tau diri yang meminta kalung dengan customized design (design by me lhooo hehehe)
Lagi-lagi Didi takut nyimpennya...trus aku di kosan hehehe hopeless deh...jadinya baru akan dibeli H-sebulan.

We've been to Bali, Lombok and Yogya...Now we're running out of ideas!!! helppp...

The idea is to buy an item for each person every month.

So far, we have a pretty cocktail dress for me, a cool shoe for Mr. D, a big multifunction bag for me, one cute navy T-Shirt for Mr. D and we bought this cute yellow towels package for he and she only for Rp199,900 (consist of 2 large towels, 2 gym towels and 2 face towels).

We have soooo many more items to go for, crossing our finger for another discount festive during Ramadhan, Christmas and New Year (and Valentine???).


Daftar yang pendek dengan banyak perintilan and we still have 8 long months to go *sigh*
C'mon Mr.D, semangattt menuju honeymoon kitaaa...ups, kawinan kitaaaa ^.^


You and Me, We're Two!!!

2 years of us:
,,,Same stories,,,
,,,Same me,,,
,,,Same you,,,
,,,Only better,,,

Friday, 8 August 2009

My table-calendar was marked with a big thick circle written in red ink. It’s our 2 Anniversary!!! Yeaaaayyyyy…

Me and Mr.D very happy!!!

Our agenda:
1. All you can eat (and all you can pay) lunch-versary at Garuda, Arteri Pondok Indah
We ate a lot (well, I did)!!! Ini the best anniversary ever, prinsipnya perut kenyang hati senang pacarpun girang hehehe…

2. Nostalgia
Yang ini memang ga nyambung sama anniversary kita. Iseng-iseng kita berdua survey harga cincin ke Melawai, udah nemu tokonya, tau harganya, cocok modelnya…kita puass!!! Hehehe
Lalu…laluuuu…the best part was kita nemu kue cubit! ;p ;p
Kue cubitnya sih biasa, yang istimewa adalah kita nemu tukang kue cubit yang mau bikinin kue cubit setengah mateng hehehe…Hari gini agak jarang nemu yang beginian, mungkin para pedagang kue cubit takut dituduh bikin sakit perut kali yaahhh…
Jadi inget masa-masa SD, jajan kue cubit setengah mateng depan sekolahan. Padahal Cuma adonan tepung setengah jadi…tapi kok enak banget yah???

3. Foto Mobil ala Kita
Biasanya Didi terobsesi dengan foto kaki (God knows why), nah kemaren ini…dia terobsesi punya foto di tengah mobil yang sedang melaju hanya karena orang-orang pacaran lainnya pada punya..
Untuk menyenangkan hati pacar tersayang, jadilah kita mengikuti trend foto di mobil layaknya pasangan-pasangan lain dan beginilah hasilnya:

4. Burger-versary
Our favourite weekend food is Burger Kampung!!! Located at Sektor 2 Bintaro.
Ga perduli deh ada B****r K**g atau M*D atau M**s B****r. We love burger kampung better. Roti murahannyaa…dagingnya yang digoreng garinggg…yuuummm!!!

Sebenernya ada satu lagi makanan yang kita selalu absen di waktu wiken, namanya Bakmi Ndeso. Jenisnya mie ayam kampung gitu deh…
Burger kampung…mie ayam kampung…apapun yang kampung pokoknya lebih enak!!! *dasar selera kampung*

5. Dinner-versary at a Japanese restaurant at Ambhara Hotel which I cant remember the name

Rekomendasinya Mr.D.
Alkisah dia tau resto Jepang ini gara-gara ‘nyasar’ di hotel Ambhara. Jadi ceritanya dia abis ngerokok di tangga darurat dan terkuncilah dia disana, dalam rangka mencari jalan keluar eh dia malah muncul di dapur restoran ini. Dengan casual dia berjalan keluar sambil (tentunya) diiringi oleh pandangan heran para penghuni dapur hihihihi...

Makanannya enak, harganya…??? Gatau deh, soalnya bonnya diumpetin sama Didi (huh!!!), trus WCnya seruuuu…banyak maenannya. Gara-gara kelamaan nongkrong di wc, mpe digedor orang hehehe.

6. Watching GI Joe for our midnight-versary at Pondok Indah XXI
Sedikit sinopsis: cerita keren, tampang Duke yang sok ganteng tanpa ekspresi, kebanyakan flash back, effectnya membuat kita berasa nonton orang lagi maen game…ya bolehlah buat iseng-iseng, tapi ga recommended buat ditonton pada jam midnight huhuhu.

And the night was ended with a sweet goodnight-versary kiss ^.^

We laughed…we fought…we cried and still…we stays next to each other.


Single Yet Not Available

Overall, me and Mr.D wedding package consists of 4 major phases, namely 
(i) the proposal, (ii) the ‘pengajian, siraman and malam boh gaca’ (Aceh cultures all in one day), (iii) the ‘akad nikah’ and (iv) the ‘sukuran’ alias resepsi.

Alhamdulillah..we accomplished the first one, the Proposal.  It was held on Saturday, 25 July 2009…together with my 25th birthday celebration (huhuhu starting to feel old).

07.00 am

I didn’t need an alarm to woke up that morning, I felt excited all night and butterflies in my tummy.  Kept alert every hour or two, sitting on my bed, starring at my pretty blue dress that I’m going to wear for the Proposal, took a deep breath, smiling and then back to bed again. I feel like a 7 years old kid who’s going to have her first day to school moment or a teenage girl who’s going to have her high school prom night…

After bath, I went straight to Kat Salon around McD neighborhood.  Already booked it a month before…but apparently they FORGOT!!! So they kinda panicky when they saw me, hurried waking the other staffs who were still sleeping in the second floor and started to make 911 phone calls to any available make up staff they could reach.  I said nothing…the ‘jutek’ face of mine said enough…

Luckily, the make over part went perfectly.  Not too ‘menor’, not too heavy on my face, all acne scar gone invisible, not too ‘bibir merah’ and my hair only had a little but not too high ‘sasakan’.  Overall, the make up and hairstyle was perfect, all performed by Mba Ria (highly recommended) with a price below 300 thou!

10.00 am

All sets!

The food was ready, the decoration looked perfect, my bride’s maid already in her position (next to me)…and Mr.D’s family will come in the next half an hour. 

Suddenly my brother ran at my direction and said that one of my ‘rombongan keluarga nyasar mpe BSD’.

My brother : Uncle A is nyasar to BSD. He said you were pointing directions to him. What exactly did you tell him???

Me : I asked him where he was, and he said he’s 5 minutes to the toll exit.  So I said turn left when he sees a ‘bunderan’ and go straight until McD.

My brother : Well, did you mentioned that he have to go straight first then turn left on the second one?

Me : ups…ummm…well..yeah…I forgot about that one *grin*

My brother : uuurrrggghh $&%^#^%@#*

Well, it’s not my fault…it’s a common knowledge that you don’t ask me for direction since Im a little bit disoriented hehehe…and the GPS in my brain is not working well.

So yeah…they finally arrive half an hour later… ^.^

11.00 am

Mr.D’s family finally came in a very big group hehehe…

I was waiting in the ‘refleksi’ room with Yenny, killing our time with gossips, as usual.

and then my sister in law came in with my niece and said that Nasha was sweating so she needs an air conditioner room, and then she left me with Nasha…so me and Yenny played with her until she make that ‘I want my mom face’ and it took less then a minute until she finally cried and scream “I WANT MY MOMMY…..”.

me and Yenny looked at each other and then went panic.

  So Yenny finally took crying little Nasha to her mom that was sitting in the room where my uncle delivering his speech of acceptance to Mr.D’s family…

11.45 am

I was summoned (halah)…

It has been a week since I practiced the ‘catwalk’ move…so now Im ready!  I walked elegantly with a big smile on my face and then when I enter the room and heading for the chair next to my auntie, my uncle called me at told me to stand next to him…

This is way out of the scenario!!! My family was supposed to accept the proposal, and I was supposed to be called in after that, and all I did was supposed to be sitting and smiling ‘malu-malu’. Instead, I was standing in front of everyone for more than 10 minutes while my uncle was talking poetically and singing “love is foreveeerrrr….love is foreveeeerrrrrr….”.

12.00 pm

After my uncle FINALLY a

sked me to sit, next was the granting of ‘tanda ikat’.

Mr.D’s mom put a beautiful little ring to my finger and kisses me on the forehead.

After that, we were put together, me and Mr.D and people started to congratulate us before they finally enjoy the food (FYI: the catering was Rabia'h, very good price and great food!!!).

The rest of the event was taking pictures, chatting, and suddenly…a big birthday cake came out…and everyone was singing happy birthday.  I blew out the candles and gave the first the cake to none other than Mr. D hihihihi…

To this second, I still can’t believe im engaged to Mr.D…the ring successfully convince me every time I feel like hallucinating.

And with this ring on my finger, Mr.D made it clear that I am single yet not available ^.^

 Me and Mr.D
