
I Click, I See and I Shop (The Online Shop)

Some friends of mine are definitely addicted to online shops, particularly the ones for babies. According to them, you could find unique, non-mass product and cheaper baby stuffs. All you have to do is browse and click. As simple as that…

Not long after I reach my 7 months pregnancy that they begun to influence me with the online shops benefit and efficiency. Since verbal marketing didn’t work, they started to send me pictures of cute baby stuffs. Well, that one definitely works…

To limit my addiction to online shops, I tried my best which apparently still not my best hehe to buy only those required according to my Baby’s Shopping Checklist.

I must admit that the price is quite competitive between one online shop to another, so you have to diligently search for the cheapest.

Specifically for Clodi, I compared the price in each original country (including shipping fee) with those sold on online shops and the difference is really not that significant.

Based on a review in the mommiesdaily, I noted that all the premium brands for clodi are from the United States. So I decided to buy 1 clodi for each premium brands, namely Roomparooz, Blueberry, Starbunz and Happy Heinys. I know that they have a local outlet for Roomparooz at Plaza Indonesia, so no worry for that one.

A friend of mine forwarded an online shop address, called Kireina Baby Shop, which sell all kinds of baby products (mostly from the United States), including the premium brands clodi.
I browse, I click and I see what I like. A Blueberry Minky Clodi Velcro with cow pattern, nice! (Lil' B will be definitely mad at me when he grows up and see his picture with a stupid cow prints clodi on his butt hehe...sorry kiddo!). Since it is verrrryyyy pricy, I decided to buy one clodi in a month. It includes two inserts, so I don’t have to buy one more.
I also ordered the bumgenius detergent which suitable for any brands of clodi.
I submitted my orders on Friday and the clodi with detergent arrived on Monday. Happy!!!

Like any other prego, my feet starts swollen and look like ‘kaki gajah’. I need a comfortable shoe to wonder around. Reading Dinda’s post, I decided to follow her track to buy Crocs, Malindi type.

Fully aware that I have a destructive feet (meaning everything I wear always dysfunction in less than a year, no matter how expensive it is), I decided not to buy the Crocs from the authorised outlet since it will cost me more than 400 thou.

So I browsed and found Buaya Karet, an online shop which sell any type of Crocs with almost half the outlet price. Like the Clodi, I ordered on Friday and the Malindi arrived on Monday morning. Now I’m happily walking around with my Plum Malindi. Another happy face…

I admit that this one is an impulsive and unnecessary online shopping hehe…But its really cute and inevitable to be bought.

It’s a blanket for travelling purpose called the Devil Baby Blanket…it has ears and tail and doesn’t cost much. CUTE!!! I bought it from an online shop in Facebook called Joyleen Bebe.

I must say, I love online shopping mostly because it’s easy and I don’t have to move my butt to a baby shop and go crazy for buying lotsa cute and unnecessary baby stuffs.


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