Me luuuvvvv surprises…and Mr.D knows it perfectly.
But what Mr.D didn’t know was, I prefer making one than having one…
Inspired by a birthday party bash that I set up for Mr.D on his 25th birthday party this year, he made several attempts to set up episodes of surprise for me.
And this was how it turned out to be…
1st episode – the event
On the 17th day of May, Mr.D gathered all my brothers and sisters for asking permission to ‘take me’ as his partner in life.
On that occasion, he planned something evil (but very sweet indeed) for me…a surprise ‘lamaran’ ceremony on my birthday. (To date, I didn’t get the idea on how you can make a ‘lamaran’ ceremony into a surprise, especially for a girl. Girl needs preparation, lots of it…and we do love details).
Unfortunately for him, my auntie has a tight schedule on that day so it should be rescheduled the next week.
Buuutttt…on that rescheduled day, I already planned my annual getaway that could not be ‘diganggu gugat’ (maap lupa bahasa Inggrisnya ;p) for whatever reason there is. And as predicted, me..the stone head (baca: keras kepala) girl was too reluctant to change the date of my getaway.
So Mr.D went panic and blew up his episode 1 of the attempt for a surprise by begging me not to go on that day because it’s suppose to be our ‘lamaran’ day.
2nd episode – the dress
For the purpose of preparing my dream wedding day (sekalian bahan buat ngayal di siang bolong…FYI: souvenir paling murah yang diusulkan di majalah Dewi adalah gantungan kunci Perlinis), I bought a Dewi magazine, the special edition of wedding inspiration (Rp75,000 and its really worth it!!! Tentunya buat dicontek…).
I found all my wedding dress design in that magazine and I ‘post-it’ it (no protest allowed, its just my unordinary way of saying things).
Mr.D and his mom and my sister planned this sweet surprise of preparing a ‘lamaran’ dress for me. So, his mom and my sister tried all efforts to borrow that magazine from me.
That one fine day, his mom text me and said that she need to borrow that magazine for Mr.D’s cousin. AT THE SAME TIME, my sister text me and said that she need to borrow that magazine because her friend was looking for a ‘kebaya’ design. Wadda coincidence!!!
At that instance, I suspected that something was going on under my nose.
And AHA!!!
I successfully made my sister confess that they are preparing the surprise ‘lamaran’ dress.
last episode – the auntie (and Mr D learnt his lessons)
According to the cultures of Aceh and Makassar, on the ‘lamaran’ day the bride-to-be will be given a symbol by the groom-to-be family, namely ‘tanda ikat’ (apa pulalah Bahasa Inggrisnya ini).
For days, I’ve been trying to find out what would Mr. D give me as ‘tanda ikat’ but everybody keep shutting their mouth. The attempt to seduce my sister-in-law who’s not really a secret keeper was a total failure. I finally gave up and ‘pasrah’ with anything that will be the ‘tanda ikat’ (I have a very high level of curiosity, so things like this can turn me into an insomniac at night!!!).
Once upon a day in the 28th June of 2009, again..according to the cultures of Aceh and Makassar (I had no idea before that Aceh and Makassar have a lot in common), Mr.D and his mom, and his cousin and his dearest auntie came to my house to deliver the pre-proposal.
The idea was to confirm that my families will very much welcome Mr.D’s family and their proposal. His auntie was acting as the spoke-person…
The pre-proposal went well…and thennnnn…
His auntie suddenly, clearly, and even loudly…spilled out what the ‘tanda ikat’ would be (ups…sorry, I wont tell you what the ‘tanda ikat’ would be…it’s a surpriseeeee *wink wink*).
Mr. D and his mom and his cousin turned their face to his auntie. It turned that they have forgotten to tell auntie to not say anything about the ‘tanda ikat’.
Spontaneously, me and my brothers and sisters laugh out loud (especially me!!! huehehehehee).
After three episodes, Mr.D finally learnt his lessons:
- He’s soooo not good in making surprises;
- You need to make sure that those on your team are secret keepers and not over-anxiety persons; and
- Tukang tipu ga gampang ditipuuuu…jadi bawaannya curigaaaannn terusss, well…either curigaan atau kegeeran sih kalo gue hihihihi…
Mr. D episodes of surprise may not have a happy ending…but I surely am happy for his attempts.
Maaciyyyy beib… ^.^ luph